

At BCM GRC we use globally renowned internal and external design engineers to carry out all of the design work on our architectural projects. Like ourselves, our engineers are fully accredited by the GRCA.

A full list of our typical design inclusions is as follows:-

  • Prepare Key elevations indicating GRC general arrangement drawing number locations.
  • Prepare General Arrangement drawings at a suitable scale to show all GRC panel locations, dimension levels, datum, grids and fixing positions together with notations and other relevant information. These drawings will be based on the architects and engineers’ drawings which we will require at construction status in .dwg format prior to commencing the design.
  • Prepare GRC Panel fixing details at a suitable scale to show all relative setting out dimensions together with all fixing items such as primary bracketry, bolts, packers etc with all notations to confirm material types, grades and finishes. Generally, the support and restraint brackets will be fixed back to the main structure to achieve a constant cavity size. This will cover for a maximum zone of 200mm from front face of GRC panels to front face of sub structure. This does not include for any builders works details/setting out.
  • Undertake a structural analysis and provide as necessary structural calculations for the largest GRC panels together with typical restraint and support fixings to suit typical cavity widths, to a suitable sub structure engineered by others.
  • Issue all the above information to yourselves and the Design Team via an agreed system for comment and status review. On receiving a minimum ‘B’ status undertake a reasonable number of revisions per drawing and issue for ‘Construction’.
  • Following Construction Issue of the General Arrangement and fixing drawings prepare individual unit drawings for each GRC Panel type to show all reinforcement dimensions, finishes, cast-in items etc. suitable for manufacture, including all associated reinforcement bending schedules.
  • Included in this fee is a number site meetings (the specific number of which is TBC) which are to cover for and include all out of pocket expenses such as mileage, car parking, rail fares etc.

Please note that the above only provides a typical example of design inclusions, as every GRC project is bespoke and therefore specific design inclusions will vary from project to project.